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Litter collected East section of The glade park sidcup

Reported via iOS in the Street cleaning and litter category by Richard Sheridan at 16:19, Tuesday

Sent to London Borough of Bexley less than a minute later. Report ref: 7085675.

Hi I did a litter-pick in The Glade yesterday. Collected two large bin liner’s full - second of which was from centre and east sections of the park between the youth club in Burnt Oak Lane to the end of the lake next to the golf course. I placed this bag on top of the bin at the end of the lake nearest the golf course.

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  • This case is currently being investigated.

    Further updates will follow.

    View Our Response Times

    State changed to: Investigating

    Posted by London Borough of Bexley at 08:08, Wednesday

  • Your report will be worked on by the Parks and Open Spaces Team.

    They will contact you directly should they require any further information.

    Thank you for reporting this matter.

    State changed to: Internal referral

    Posted by London Borough of Bexley at 09:34, Thursday

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