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Large Deep Pot Hole

Reported via desktop in the Damaged road category anonymously at 16:19, Monday

Sent to London Borough of Bexley less than a minute later. Report ref: 7079460.

For the third time in 3 months a large deep pot hole has appeared at the point marked.

This pot hole is very deep and is in line with the wheel tracks. Plus as it is on a brow of the fly-over it is not visible until you hit it.

As I said this is the third time of reporting and you repairing it. I feel putting a lump of asphalt in the hole and banging it down is not working. This hole is bigger than the previous times.

A visit is required to ensure a better repair. As this hole is at the top of the fly-over, if a wheel was damage it could cause a car to hit the barrier which is 50 feet above the ground.

You need to investigate why the repairs are only lasting a few weeks.

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    Posted by London Borough of Bexley at 16:21, Monday

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