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Dangerous walkway with no path into school

Reported via mobile in the Footpaths / Carriageway category by Lucy Allan at 14:57, Friday 10 January 2025

Sent to London Borough of Bexley less than a minute later. Report ref: 6962486.

I couldn’t find a heading that accurately described the issue. The walkway to a side gate to Fairford Academy in Colyers Lane (partly parallel with a paved pathway separated by a fence) is completely unpaved. It has some hilly parts and gets very muddy and slippery on wet days. I have seen many young children and an adult slip over- some of which now choose to use a different entrance that necessitates them driving to school rather than walking. It also saturates our feet through shoes and boots as the grass is rarely cut and wet at that time of the morning regardless of the weather, but especially so when raining. My son (in reception class) cried on his way to school this morning because his feet got wet in -3 degrees and was freezing. This is the entrance to EYFS and KS1, all of whom do Forest School so have their wellies stay at school. It’s not affordable for many to buy another pair just for walks to school. Please consider creating a concrete or paved pathway. This will encourage many more families to walk to school that live this side of it. Many thanks.

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    State changed to: Investigating

    Posted by London Borough of Bexley at 14:57, Friday 10 January 2025

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