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Tree roots

Reported via desktop in the Street category anonymously at 10:51, Wednesday 27 November 2024

Sent to London Borough of Bexley less than a minute later. Report ref: 6790861.

This has been reported in June and again in Oct ref 6085084 and ref 6085084 report states closed . please provide an update

The tree roots have caused damages to the footpath which will cause an accident because of uneven ground, it is also causing damage to the road as can be seen by the picture and the roots have also caused damage to my driveway I was advised by a driveway expert that this problem WILL continue unless the roots are cut out or the tree gets removed and if left will cause further damage and cost

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    State changed to: Investigating

    Posted by London Borough of Bexley at 10:51, Wednesday 27 November 2024

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