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Width restrictions width

Reported via desktop in the Obstructions on pavements and roads category anonymously at 14:00, Wednesday 16 October 2024

Sent to London Borough of Bexley 1 minute later. Report ref: 6622648.

Hello Since the new curbs and width restriction poles were added larger cars struggle to go through at the top of station road both sides!. The road slightly turns to the immediately after the width restrictions requiring a slight right angle but larger vehicles such as my suv are unable to do with without damaging wheels and in some cases body work.

Myself and residence have shelled out in total thousands of pounds to repair wheels due to this. Residence have also reported damaged body work as wind mirrors need to be folders so viewing rear wheel arches while passing the width restrictions has caused damage to body work.

We are asking that the width is increase by a 3-4 inches total (2 inches each side). This will means cars do not have to drive through Princes road causing extra congestion and pollution.

They have always been narrow but now even worse.

Many thanks

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    Posted by London Borough of Bexley at 14:22, Wednesday 16 October 2024

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