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House shaking when buses pass

Reported via mobile in the Damaged road category anonymously at 13:17, Tue 3 September 2024

Sent to London Borough of Bexley less than a minute later. Report ref: 6431064.

Wellington Avenue has been resurfaced partly but not from number 69 towards The Oval. There is a large dip in the road and my home shakes when buses in both directions pass by. This has been getting worse , particularly the last four months. This also affects at least 7 other houses that I have spoken to up to and including number 81. It is particularly evident in the evenings when the buses are travelling more quickly. I have spoken to a professional and he is in agreement with me that this is causing damage to our homes. If nothing is done to resolve the issue I will have to take legal advice. Regards

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    Posted by London Borough of Bexley at 13:28, Tue 3 September 2024

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