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Tall trees

Reported via desktop in the Park / Open space category anonymously at 14:05, Thu 1 August 2024

Sent to London Borough of Bexley less than a minute later. Report ref: 6303652.

A line of trees have grown so tall they are now blocking the light into residents property, this has been reported before but nothing seems to be being done

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  • Thank you for your report.

    If you have provided an email, you should receive an update within five working days and continue with any further updates.

    State changed to: Investigating

    Posted by London Borough of Bexley at 14:05, Thu 1 August 2024

  • Following a review of your enquiry, we have determined that the matter does not currently exceed the councils threshold for immediate action, or there is no legal requirement to resolve at this time (for example, Tree issues such as leaf, fruit & seed fall, sap, bird and other wildlife issues, light & TV reception. Parks issues such as long grass which falls within the cutting intervals, bin emptying which falls within the scheduled frequency)

    As such, we thank you for bringing this matter to our attention, but unfortunately there is no further action that the Council will take at this time. We will continue to monitor the situation and take the necessary steps if and when the issue does meet the Councils requirements for immediate attention.

    State changed to: No further action

    Posted by London Borough of Bexley at 10:59, Mon 5 August 2024

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