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Abandoned vehicle

Reported via mobile in the Abandoned and untaxed vehicles category anonymously at 17:46, Sat 18 November 2023

Sent to London Borough of Bexley less than a minute later. Report ref: 5227672.

This vehicle as been abandoned & not moved in over 2 years. It has flat tyres & bricks wedged under the wheels to stop it rolling away. It is SORN but is been kept on a public highway & is occupying a residence/visitor parking bay.

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  • Thank you for your report.

    If you have provided an email, you should receive an update within five working days and continue with any
    further updates.

    State changed to: Investigating

    Posted by London Borough of Bexley at 07:41, Mon 20 November 2023

  • Following investigations, it has been found that the vehicle is taxed, but either has no MOT or has an unregistered owner. As such, the matter has been referred to the DVLA.

    Contact details: contact-the-dvla/

    Thank you for reporting this matter.

    State changed to: not the council's responsibility

    Posted by London Borough of Bexley at 11:56, Wed 6 December 2023

This report is now closed to updates from the public. You can make a new report in the same location.