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Mattress and other materials in pavement

Reported via mobile in the Obstructions on pavements and roads category anonymously at 10:21, Sat 23 September 2023

Sent to London Borough of Bexley less than a minute later. Report ref: 5023390.

I attended COVID vaccine centre this a.m. A gentleman (over 65, as all of us were) who had fallen in his approach to the back of the chemist. He had cuts and grazes on his knee and arm. The chemist administered first aid. He was wearing dark glasses due to a recent cataract operation so did not see the mattress or other stuff on the payment next to an abandoned caravan.

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  • This case has been referred to the Council’s contractor and will be completed within the Council’s contractual service level arrangements.

    We will update the case once it has been completed.

    Thank you for reporting this matter.

    State changed to: Action scheduled

    Posted by London Borough of Bexley at 08:35, Mon 25 September 2023

  • The case has been resolved.

    Thank you for reporting this matter.

    State changed to: Fixed

    Posted by London Borough of Bexley at 09:30, Mon 25 September 2023

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