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As usual this walkway is filthy and smells foul

Reported via desktop in the Street cleaning and litter category anonymously at 18:12, Sun 19 March 2023

Sent to London Borough of Bexley less than a minute later. Report ref: 4332003.

The railway embankment is overgrowing into the alleyway. There is litter and glass everywhere constantly. The alleyway smells revolting (not sure of what). There are spent bags of dog poo thrown on the ground, beer cans, drug paraphernalia. Absolutely disgusting. This is an ongoing issue. I walk through this alleyway with my granddaughter at least four times a week and it is vile. Is the alleyway not a part of a regular round for cleaning by Bexley cleaning staff?

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    Posted by London Borough of Bexley at 12:01, Monday 13 May 2024

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