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Reported via desktop in the Grass category anonymously at 10:34, Mon 10 May 2021

Sent to London Borough of Bexley less than a minute later. Report ref: 2716171.

As a Bexley litter picker volunteer I have recently had to clear up a great deal of hazardous litter along the hedgerow on the open space near the Ripposley Road entrance due to the amount of deep STRIMMING which has taken place : glass bottles broken; drinks cans chopped into very sharp pieces which are is obviously very dangerous to animals and children, also plastic bags which have been slashed into tiny pieces which is very difficult to pick up. This small area of approximately 80ft in length took me two hours to clear (to the best of my ability) only 3 weeks ago and this Friday I noticed that it has been STRIMMED AGAIN leaving yet more debris. This is an issue on most of the hedgerow where this machinery has been. Can it not be cleared once the cutting is finished? And does it really have to be done so often?

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    State changed to: Investigating

    Posted by London Borough of Bexley at 10:35, Mon 10 May 2021

  • State changed to: Open

    Updated by London Borough of Bexley at 12:54, Thu 13 May 2021

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