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Illegal Parking

Reported in the Car parking category anonymously at 01:20, Sat 16 February 2019

Sent to London Borough of Bexley 5 minutes later. Report ref: 1545595.

The whole of Elsa Road is parking allowed only in the marked bays on the pavement. Why is this never enforced? This road is on a bus route and a school entrance which is constantly obstructed with vehicles illegally parked outside the marked parking bays and with all 4 wheels on the road. Seen 2 school children hit by cars on this road alone this year already.

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  • I currently drive the B15 bus and Elsa Road is one of most stupidest road to put a bus route down. Aside from the fact it isn't the widest road to begin with, this system of allowing people to park opposite all 4 T-junctions and not on the pavement like the rest of the road is ridiculous. Taken a few wing mirrors off already (mainly transit vans) with more likely to come... 4 mins it's meant to take to get down this road, and every day it's triple that... Just a hint, if you have a large car/van don't park down this road or at bare minimum leave ample room for a bus to easily pass.

    Posted anonymously by a non-staff user at 00:02, Sat 2 March 2019

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